Welcome to Nouvelle Gabon Mining (NGM)
The flagship Nouvelle Gabon Mining(NGM) is a Gabonese company having Manganese ore mining and processing facilities. It is based out of Gabon having its deposits and operations in the region of Franceville and Okondja. NGM is co-owned by Gabonese State and shareholders from all parts of the world . NGM put its footsteps into Gabon in the year 2013 acquiring licenses for exploration at Franceville and built its first plant which began production in 2017.
Presently it has two facilities at Franceville and Okondja with combined installed capacity of 2.4 Million tonnes. It has also acquired recently greenfield project at Mounana which will take the total installed capacity to 3.2 Million tonnes.
NGM exports LUMPS and FINES to different parts of the globe from Owendo port at Libreville.
Innovation is the foundation of NGM development that helps create mining of the future and achieve the vision of producing quintessential natural resources in the world by creating long term value.
NGM values and feels proud to invest in the people who work with the organisation to overcome new challenges.
Why Us

The high-grade manganese deposits at Moanda- Franceville region are among the world’s richest. Reserves were estimated at 250 million tons with a metal content of 48%–52%. Earlier, Production had been limited to a ceiling of 2.8 million tons a year, corresponding closely to the capacity of the cableway—at 76 km, Africa’s longest overhead cable—used to transport the mineral to the Congo border, from where it was carried by rail to the port of Pointe Noire. The newer Trans-Gabon Railway provided an alternate export outlet through the Gabonese port of Owendo, and the cableway was made redundant. Use of the railroad has cut shipping costs by $20 million per year.
While Gabon has a well-established niche in the global mining market as the world’s second-largest manganese producer, its ambition to significantly expand exploration is generating strong interest from junior miners. Many of the majors, some of which are present in the country already, still consider the central African state essentially a Greenfield proposal.
Opportunity: As Gabon revises its mining code in 2013, it aims to expand the state’s role in the sector, retain greater value locally and grow exploration and downstream processing (see analysis). With mining accounting for 6.3% of GDP and 6% of exports in 2012, according to the African Development Bank, there is potential for growth. The government hopes to quadruple the sector’s economic contribution by 2025 as part of the Industrial Gabon development plan.
The Ministry of Industry and Mines (Ministère de l’Industrie et des Mines, MIM) estimates that a mere 30% of the country has been fully explored, a low figure in light of the vast mineral wealth of some of the country’s southern neighbours. The main priority is to encourage more exploration, given that only 30% of Gabon’s territory has currently been explored, In the long term some 60-70% of the country to be covered, which will require more work by the government in terms of estimating reserves.
Nouvelle Gabon chose Gabon based on the above and it has large and undeveloped high-grade Mn resources in remote locations which are expected to become accessible in the future.
Customization Facilities
Mining machinery: The open cast mine at Beniomi and Okondja are fully operational and it possesses all the mining equipment/machinery which includes the following –
- Excavator - KOMATSU PC850/800 & CAT 374GC
- Dumper – KOMATSU HM400 & CAT 735
- Dozer - KOMATSU D155A & CAT D6R2
- Drill Machines ( BAUER BG 25C)
- Transportation trucks & trippers
- Soil Compactors.